Data Analyst

Python / SQL / Data Visualization

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What I do.

Data Analyst.

I am a Data Analyst with training in Data Science. My career before switching to tech was in Human Resources and People Ops.

I am skilled at working with teams to create efficient processes, identify gaps in workflows, drive insights, and use visualizations to communicate recommendations.

I am also passionate about telling the story, providing solutions, and bridging the gap between business goals, project stakeholders, and operational realities.

Technical Skills


Excel, Git, Github, Jupiter Notebook, WordPress


SQL, PostgreSQL

Languages and Libraries

Python, HTML, NumPy, SciKit-Learn, Seaborn, MatplotLib, Pandas

About me

TECHNICAL PROJECT HIGHLIGHT: Ski Resort Visitation Predictions - GitHub Respoitory Here - Predicting seasonal attraction visitation using machine learning. Sourced visitation, weather, and local school event data for three separate resorts. Visually and statistically analyzed data. Utilized regression analysis for prediction models. Customized models for each resort, provided insight into the predictive power of weather and calendar events for ski resorts

Creator and Owner of Gorge Hired, a local job board for The Columbia River Gorge

Currently open for work, please contact me using the form below or find me on LinkedIn :